Canada’s Premier Outfitter Camps
For Grand Slam Hunting


Hunting North

Our 34 years of outfitter excellence guarantees a Canadian hunting experience others cant match. We are one the world’s top fishing and hunting destinations. The Lakes and terrain play a vital roll in the success of our guests’ hunts. We have picked the best possible locations for you to hunt.

You deserve a trip to Northern Manitoba

I’ve done four different hunts with you and all produced record-book class animals!

several caribou antlers and skin laying on the ground after a hunt

There are no other camps

In This Area

This area is filled with sand eskers that stretch from South to North, along with a network of lakes, rivers, and drainages. The Robertson Esker, which is the largest and most well-known in Manitoba, extends over 180 miles through our region and even reaches into Nunavut. These eskers serve as important routes for animals, and you can spot their tracks when flying above. Animals have been migrating along these structures for centuries, and this ancient pattern still persists today.

The ‘True’ Trophy

Canadian Grand Slam

All hunting areas offer excellent grounds for walking with large, protected waterways to bring you within yards of each trophy. It is beautiful country, built for world-class hunting, and one you will never forget.